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Ensure Deletion Protection is enabled for all RDS instance


Ensure that your Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) instances have Deletion Protection feature enabled in order to protect them from being accidentally deleted.


1. Sign in to AWS Management Console.

2. Go to RDS dashboard.

3. In the left navigation panel, under Amazon RDS, click Instances.

4. Select the RDS database instance that you want to reconfigure.

5. Click the Instance Actions button from the dashboard top menu and select Modify.

6. On the Modify DB Instance: <instance-identifier> page, in the Deletion protection section, select Enable deletion protection checkbox to activate Deletion Protection safety feature for the selected RDS instance.

7. Click Continue to continue the reconfiguration process.

8. Within Summary of modifications section, carefully review the configuration changes that you want to apply to the instance.

9. In the Scheduling of modifications section, perform one of the following actions based on your requirements:

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