Cloud Intelligence Engine

Complete visibility of assets inventory across cloud platforms

Cloudlytics provides complete visibility of assets inventory across all your cloud accounts, giving you a comprehensive view of tags, accounts, usage type, workload and more. Our intelligence engine gives you visibility to keep track of everything deployed with an automated asset inventory. It also helps to maintain compliance with out-of-the-box governance policies that enforce good behavior across your environments.


  • Automated asset inventory
  • Resource tree
  • Security risk assessment
  • Compliance risk assessment
  • Change tracking (upcoming)
  • Virtual network diagram
  • Virtual Network traffic flow (upcoming)
  • Timeline of events on assets timeline (upcoming)
  • Comprehensive dashboard across groups

How We Do It

Continuous automated checks across cloud accounts and platforms to collect information on asset inventory.

  • Auto detection of new assets.
  • No agent or service enablement required in cloud.
  • 90 Days default retention of the assets inventory.
  • Supports over 100+ AWS services and 50+ Azure services


Redefining Risk and Compliance Management for Your Public Cloud

Fuel your security engine with us.

Explore Customer Stories

Voot Is Monitoring And Improving Security Performance, Courtesy Cloudlytics

How Cloudlytics Helped Hipla.Io Get GDPR Ready By Securing Its Public Cloud

Cloudlytics Helps Woloo Enhance its AWS Security Posture

Cloudlytics Strengthens Security for A Leading Nonprofit Charitable Trust’s AWS Cloud

A Leading Life Insurance Provider Reduces 50% Efforts in Securing their AWS Serverless Stack using Cloudlytics secures its public cloud journey, enabled by Cloudlytics

A Trusted Security Partner of Global Businesses

Simplify Management of Your Cloud Operations With Us.

Living on the Edge LOGO

We are now live on AWS Marketplace.
The integrated view of your cloud infrastructure is now easier than ever!