
Ensure SQS Dead Letter Queue is configured


A Dead Letter Queue is an SQS queue useful for debugging your application or your messaging system, that can isolate messages that can’t be processed successfully for later analysis. It helps maintain the queue flow and avoid losing data by detecting and mitigating failures and service disruptions on time.


Perform the following steps to configure the Dead Letter Queue:

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console.
  2. Click to SQS dashboard at
  3. To set up the necessary Dead Letter Queue, click Create New Queue button from the dashboard top menu, select Standard Queue and click Configure Queue.
  4. On the Create New Queue page, enter a unique name for the queue in the Queue Name box and leave the queue default parameters unchanged, unless you need a custom configuration.
  5. Click Create Queue to launch your new SQS Dead Letter Queue.
  6. Select the SQS queue that you want to reconfigure in order to implement the redrive policy.
  7. Click the Queue Actions button from the dashboard top menu and select Configure Queue option.
  8. Within Configure &lt







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