
Ensure there should not be any Unused AMI


Find any unused Amazon Machine Images available in your AWS account and remove them in order to lower the cost of your monthly AWS bill.


1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console.

2. Navigate to EC2 dashboard.

3. In the left navigation panel, under IMAGES section, choose AMIs.

4. Select the unused image that you want to remove.

5. Select the Details tab from the dashboard bottom panel and copy the image snapshot ID (e.g. snap-d370f8ce) displayed within the Block Devices parameter value:

6. Click the Actions dropdown button from the dashboard top menu and select Deregister.

7. In the Deregister dialog box, review the image details then click Continue to submit the changes.

8. In the left navigation panel, under ELASTIC BLOCK STORE section, choose Snapshots.

9. Paste the image snapshot ID copied at step no. 5 into EC2 snapshots attributes filter box and press Enter.

10. Select the snapshot(s) returned as search results (image snapshots that match the filter criteria).

11. Click the Actions dropdown button from the dashboard top menu and select Delete.

12. In the Delete Snapshot dialog box, review the details then click Yes, Delete to confirm the action.







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