
Ensure there are no Underutilized Redshift Cluster


Identify any Amazon Redshift clusters that appear to be underutilized and downsize them to help lower the cost of your monthly AWS bill. By default, an AWS Redshift cluster is considered underutilized” when matches the following criteria:


1. Login to the AWS Management Console.

2. Go to Redshift dashboard.

3. In the navigation panel, under Redshift Dashboard, click Clusters.

4. Select the Redshift cluster that you want to resize then click on its identifier link, listed in the Cluster column.

5. Click the Backup dropdown button from the dashboard top menu and select Take Snapshot.

6. Inside the Create Snapshot dialog box, enter a unique name for your cluster snapshot in the Snapshot Identifierbox then click Create to take the snapshot. The process may take several minutes. Once the snapshot is created it will be listed on your Redshift Snapshots page.

7. In the navigation panel, under Redshift Dashboard, click Snapshots.

8. Select the Amazon Redshift cluster snapshot created at step no. 6.

9. Click the Actions dropdown button from the dashboard top menu and select Restore From Snapshot.

10. In the Restore From Snapshot dialog box, perform the following actions:

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