
Ensure S3 Buckets Lifecycle Configuration is enabled


Lifecycle configurations to manage S3 objects (archive or delete S3 objects) during their lifetime. A lifecycle configuration is a set of rules that define actions that Amazon S3 applies to a group of objects. There are two types of actions:

  1. Transition actions:- Define when objects transition to another storage class.
  2. Expiration actions:- Define when objects expire. Amazon S3 deletes expired objects on your behalf.


Perform the following steps to enable lifecycle configuration:

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console.
  2. Click on to S3 dashboard at
  3. Click on the name (link) of the S3 bucket that you want to configure.
  4. Select the Management tab from the S3 dashboard top menu, choose Lifecycle panel, then click Add lifecycle rule to set up a new lifecycle configuration rule.
  5. Inside Lifecycle rule dialog box, perform the following:
    1. For Name section, provide a unique name for your lifecycle rule in Enter a rule name box and a prefix/tag within Add filter to limit scope to prefix/tags box. Click Next to continue the setup process.
    2. For Transitions section, select Current version checkbox to add transitions for the current version of S3 objects. Click + Add transition, select Transition to Standard-IA after for Object creation and set 30 for Days after object creation. Click + Add transition again, select Transition to Amazon Glacier after for Object creation and set 60 for Days after object creation. Once the necessary transitions are set, click Next to continue.
    3. For Expiration section, select Current version checkbox to add expiration actions for the current version of S3 objects. Select Expire current version of object checkbox and set 365 (days) for After x days from object creation. Click Next to continue.
    4. For the Review section, reexamine the rule configuration details then click Save to create the S3 lifecycle configuration rule.







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