
Ensure Account Alternate Contacts are updated


AWS account should be configured to use alternate contact details for security communications in case you are not available. By providing an alternate contact, the security notifications will be sent only to the email address specified as substitute contact. 


01) Sign in to the AWS Management Console.

02) Navigate to your AWS account settings page.

03) Scroll down to Alternate Contacts section and click the Edit link

04) In the Security category, provide the following information:

  1. In the Full Name box enter the name of the person who will receive all the security notifications sent for your AWS account.
  2. In the Title box enter the title of the person or third-party service.
  3. In the Email Address box enter the email address where the security notifications will be sent.
  4. In the Phone Number box enter the contact number of the person or third-party service that will manage the security notifications for you.

05) Click the Update button to save the changes.







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