Planning A Multicloud Strategy: Everything You Need to Know

Cloud computing is touted by organizations worldwide as the base that drives transformation, differentiation, and competitive advantage. Currently, most organizations are focused on implementing cloud-first strategies for advancing the leverage of cloud services in their business. However. the use of a multicloud environment for analytics is inevitable. 

Cloud first is not the same as cloud always. Long-term goals for some organizations is to remove all applications from their data centers, whereas for others, cloud-first means moving subsets of applications to the cloud. It is important for organizations to prioritize investments for advancing their consumption of cloud services.

Why Must Organizations Adopt Multicloud?

According to Gartner, multicloud adoption will surge as the percentage of large organizations connecting to cloud providers rises to 50% by 2023. Multicloud is indispensable for use cases where organizations procure cloud services and look to ensure that their offerings work on different cloud platforms. Most organizations are touted to partner with multiple cloud providers. Technology innovation leaders are focusing on selecting the right multicloud strategy, which best suits their business objectives.

Growing adoption of multicloud deployments in line with data management solutions has crucial implications for analytics strategies. It is necessary for analytics leaders that they prepare for these impacts to ensure an optimal consumption of cloud resources. As a small cohort of vendors dominate the public cloud, it poses barriers-to-entry for new competitors. Therefore, it is important for organizations to invest in multicloud for maximizing the cloud opportunity.

Key Steps to Multicloud Adoption

  • In order to develop a sound multicloud strategy, organizations need to understand technology implications and challenges associated with these while opting for the cloud deployment. Following are key steps that organizations can follow for planning a multicloud strategy.
  • The best possible way to resolve identity issues with multicloud is using a distributed architecture. Organizations can use orchestration software that serve as the connectivity media between on-premises and cloud identity systems.
  • As part of their migration projects, organizations must not move unorganized identity silos. They must rather upgrade and modernize their identity capabilities using identity-as-a-service.
  • For effective implementation of an identity strategy, organizations need to understand the location of their existing systems, their interdependencies, and access authorizations.
  • When updating their identity systems, organizations must avoid any lock-in to their proprietary systems and moving outdated APIs. This helps them eliminate the need to rewrite applications and seamlessly interoperate with the new identity system.
  • Organizations can simplify the complications associated with the migration process by breaking it into compact phases that are more manageable. Grouping migration phases and orchestrating an incremental shift helps organizations minimize any disruption or risk.

To Sum Up

It is important for technology leaders to prepare for an intercloud and multicloud world, where data integration, governance, and management are complex. Continuous evaluation of requirements can help organizations realize optimal options to extend and integrate SaaS solutions. Also, organizations will see better returns from their existing SaaS offering when they shift some integrations and applications to a multicloud environment.

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Varoon Rajani

Varoon Rajani

Varoon Rajani is the co-founder & CEO at Blazeclan and Cloudlytics. Varoon spotted the cloud opportunity early on and since then, built a born-in-the-cloud, global organization that delivers full-stack cloud solutions. He is excited by the dynamism offered by cloud technologies, is obsessed with customer success, and is deeply passionate about innovation.


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