Integrating Azure Environment

To create the access credentials please follow the following steps:

  1. Log in to the Microsoft  Azure Login portal
  2. Navigate to the Azure Active Directory
  3. Click on App registrations and Register a new application
  4. Provide the Name “Cloudlytics Application
  5. Select your account in the Supported account types section.
  6. In redirect URI, Select the WEB from the drop-down menu and enter URI and click on Register.

Once the application has been created copy the Application ID and save it.

After creating the application provide necessary permission to the application:

  1. In the same blade, click on Certificates and secrets under Manage
  2. Generate client secret by clicking + New Client Secret Under Client Secret
  3. Provide Description, expires as Never and click ADD.
  4. Copy the secret key as soon as you save the changes 
  5. Click on Azure Active Directory > Properties
  6. Copy Directory ID  and save it for later use.
  7. Navigate to Subscriptions on the azure portal > click on subscription to monitor > Access Control(IAM) > +Add role assignment. Select Readers role for the application and save changes

Fill the following details to Cloudlytics

  1. In the Client Id, Enter the Application ID that you have saved before.
  2. In the Tenant Id, Enter the Directory ID that you have obtained.
  3. In the Key Id,Enter the Secret value.
  4. Click on Save and enter the Tag to your credentials.

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