Data Security Challenges and Best Practices on AWS Cloud

Data breaches have become a major concern for organizations across industries in the current digital landscape. Organizations have information management issues, especially with increasing data quantity due to higher internet usage and dependency.

However, managing data and securing it are two different things. For example, despite the widespread adoption of services, like Amazon Web Services (AWS), 76% of organizations suffered ransomware attacks in 2022. Businesses need enhanced security measures and cloud services for secure data management.

This article aims to provide insights into data breaches in cloud computing, their primary causes, and best practices for preventing incidents on AWS Cloud.

What is a Data Breach?

A data breach is an unauthorized access, acquisition, or disclosure of sensitive information. It occurs when an individual, system, or organization gains access to data without proper authorization.

Data breaches can have severe consequences, including financial losses, reputational damage, and legal implications. Therefore, safeguarding data from breaches is crucial for businesses and individuals.

Primary Causes of Data Breaches in the Cloud

There can be different causes of cloud data breaches, including the factors like human errors, vulnerabilities, and more.

Insider Threats

Insider threats can cause data breaches, including intentional and unintentional actions by employees or insiders with access to sensitive data. Negligent data handling, unauthorized access, or malicious intent can lead to data breaches.

Insider threats can cause massive risks to businesses and expose user data. In 2020, a former Marriott International hotel chain employee stole the personal information of over 5.2 million guests.

The employee could access the data by exploiting a security vulnerability in Marriott’s cloud-based systems. The stolen data included names, addresses, passport numbers, and other sensitive information.

This is one of the top cloud data breaches that shows how insider threats can pose potential risks for any business.

Malware and Cyber Attacks

Sophisticated cyber attacks, such as malware infections, ransomware, phishing, and social engineering, pose significant risks to data security. Attackers exploit vulnerabilities in systems or trick individuals into revealing sensitive information.

Weak Passwords and Authentication

Strong passwords are crucial for online safety. Avoid using simple, personal information or easily guessed passwords like “password” or “123456”. Always use unique, complex passwords that are difficult to crack and guess.

Confirming the identity of a user is critical to ensuring secure access to cloud resources. This is why authentication methods are extensively employed. Some of the key methods include the use of usernames and passwords, two-factor authentication, and single sign-on.

Weak passwords and authentication can be exploited by hackers to gain access to cloud resources. Once a hacker has access to a cloud resource, they can steal data, delete data, or even take control of the resource.

Misconfigured Cloud Services

Cloud misconfiguration is a security risk that occurs when cloud services are not configured correctly. This can expose sensitive data to unauthorized access, leading to data breaches.

There are several kinds of cloud misconfigurations, but the most frequent ones include:

  • Using default passwords and settings: Many cloud services come with default passwords and settings that are not secure. These default passwords and settings should be changed as soon as possible.
  • Not enabling security features: Remember that numerous cloud services provide exceptional security features such as encryption and access controls. Make sure to always activate these features to ensure the safety of data. It’s essential to take every precaution to protect sensitive information.
  • Not monitoring the cloud environment: It is essential to monitor it for signs of suspicious activity.

Cloud misconfiguration is a serious security risk but can be easily avoided. By following the tips above, organizations can help to protect data from cloud misconfigurations.

Best Practices for Preventing Data Breaches on AWS Cloud

Ensuring the safety of our data is of utmost importance, and there are many best practices to follow to achieve it. These practices act like a shield, protecting our valuable information from unauthorized access and potential breaches.

Let’s explore these best practices to understand how to keep our data secure and sound.

Regularly Update the Software

It’s essential to regularly update the software and applications we use on the AWS Cloud. Frequent updates are essential as they contain crucial security fixes, help patch any vulnerabilities, and keep hackers at bay.

Use Strong and Unique Passwords

We use passwords on the AWS Cloud to protect our data. A strong password is like a superhero that protects our information from bad guys. Incorporating a blend of letters, digits, and symbols is crucial while creating a password to ensure that it is unique and cannot be guessed easily by anyone.

Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Use strong authentication mechanisms and access controls to limit access to AWS resources. This can include using multi-factor authentication (MFA), creating strong passwords, and limiting access to resources based on job function.

Encrypt Data

Encrypt sensitive data both in transit and at rest. AWS offers several encryption options, including SSL/TLS, server-side, and client-side encryption. Encryptions ensure the data is scrambled into an unreadable format accessible only to the intended receiver with the security key.

Improve Data Access and Network Security

By setting up proper access controls, we can decide who can see and use information. Provide data access to the people who need it and ensure they have the correct permissions.

Further, implement network security controls such as firewalls and security groups to protect resources from unauthorized access. It ensures that our information stays safe within the virtual walls.

Monitor and Audit Systems

Regularly monitor the AWS environment for any unusual activity or unauthorized access. We can use AWS CloudTrail, AWS Config, and Amazon GuardDuty to help. With effective monitoring, we can identify any suspicious behavior early and take action to protect our data.

Update Security Policies

Consistently evaluating and revising security policies and procedures is paramount to ensure their alignment with the most up-to-date security industry standards.

For example, we can use S3 bucket policies to control which VPCs or VPC endpoints can access S3 buckets and help prevent data exfiltration. Additionally, we can use Amazon S3 Block Public Access and properly define ACLs to secure S3 buckets further.

Best Practices for Responding to Data Breaches on AWS Cloud

Data breaches demand a proactive and strategic approach to minimize damage and restore trust.

Rapid Detection and Response

Timely detection of a data breach is crucial. Implementing robust monitoring tools, conducting regular vulnerability assessments, and leveraging AWS CloudTrail for comprehensive visibility are vital steps ensuring a swift response to any incident.

Incident Containment and Investigation

Isolating the affected systems and analyzing the breach’s scope and impact is pivotal. Leveraging AWS VPC traffic mirroring, AWS GuardDuty, and AWS Macie can aid containment and provide valuable insights into the breach’s origin and progression.

Communication and Stakeholder Management

Transparent and timely communication with internal and external stakeholders is key. Establishing a clear incident response plan, including designated spokespersons and communication channels, helps maintain trust and manage the fallout effectively.

Forensics and Evidence Preservation

Preserving digital evidence is critical for legal and regulatory purposes. Utilizing AWS CloudFormation, AWS Config, and AWS CloudTrail for logging and maintaining an immutable audit trail assists in thorough forensic investigations.

Remediation and System Hardening

Post-breach, addressing vulnerabilities, and strengthening security measures is crucial. Employing tools like AWS Security Hub, AWS Inspector, and AWS Config Rules aids in identifying and mitigating weaknesses to prevent future breaches.

Top Cloud Data Breaches Examples in Recent Years

Here are some of the top cloud data breach examples where organizations faced identity theft, financial losses, reputational damage, and legal liabilities.

T-Mobile Data Breach

In 2023, T-Mobile suffered its ninth data breach since 2018 and one of the top cloud data breaches. The breach exposed the personal and financial information of over 800 customers, including their PINs, full names, phone numbers, social security numbers, and driver’s license numbers.

Data Breach at Domino’s India

In April 2023, Domino’s India confirmed that it had experienced a data breach that compromised 180 million pizza orders. The data included customer names, phone numbers, email addresses, payment details, and pizza preferences. The data was on sale by a hacker group claiming access to Domino’s India’s internal servers.

Colonial Pipe’s Ransomware Attack

In 2021, a group of hackers launched a ransomware attack against the Colonial Pipeline Company, a major pipeline operator in the United States. The hackers could encrypt the company’s computer systems and demand a ransom payment of $5 million.

The company had to shut down its pipeline operations, which caused gasoline shortages in the southeastern United States. This attack is a prime example of the risks posed by ransomware attacks.

Impact of Data Breaches

Here are some of the impacts of cloud data breaches:

  • Data breaches can result in financial losses because the amount spent to identify and fix the breach is very high.
  • It can also harm reputation if customers feel their sensitive information is not secure.
  • Regulators may fine businesses for failing to protect customer data.
  • Data breaches can increase the risk of fraud, as criminals may use stolen data to commit identity theft or other crimes.
  • It can lead to lost productivity, as employees may have to deal with the aftermath of the breach, such as notifying customers and resetting passwords.


Cloud data breaches are a significant concern for organizations due to increasing data quantity and higher internet usage. Enhanced security measures like data encryption, access controls, and monitoring are necessary for secure data management. This is where Cloudlytics can help businesses with well-architectured reviews and enhanced analytics to reduce data breaches on cloud computing. So, those who want a reliable solution to reduce data breaches, contact Cloudlytics.

Maximizing Security with Azure: A Guide to Cloud Security Posture Management

I. Introduction

Running a successful business nowadays entails much more than offering quality products or services. As cyberattacks are becoming increasingly frequent, safeguarding sensitive data and information is no longer a choice but an essential requirement for businesses. Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) plays an important role in protecting sensitive data and information. Cloud computing has revolutionized the working of businesses by offering unparalleled flexibility and scalability.

Microsoft Azure is one of the most popular cloud computing solutions available that offer a wide range of security features and tools to help businesses enhance their security posture. It helps companies meet regulatory compliance requirements and respond to security incidents promptly, minimizing any potential damage. In this article, we will explore how Azure can be leveraged to maximize security and provide insights into effective cloud security posture management strategies.

II. Understanding Cloud Security Posture Management

Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) is a critical aspect of safeguarding data integrity and protection within cloud environments. By identifying vulnerabilities, often resulting from human error, and implementing necessary security controls, CSPM helps mitigate risks and reduces the likelihood of data breaches, unauthorized access, and service disruptions.

An effective security posture management strategy is comprehensive and ensures compliance with industry regulations and standards, thereby avoiding penalties and reputational damage. It involves implementing robust security measures such as access controls, encryption, and prevention of data loss to safeguard sensitive data. A well-structured CSPM strategy enables organizations to promptly detect and respond to potential threats and suspicious activities through proactive threat detection mechanisms.

A well-rounded security posture management program consists of several key components for ensuring the security and compliance of a cloud environment. These include:

  • Maintaining a comprehensive inventory of cloud assets to identify vulnerabilities and enforce security measures.
  • Establishing secure configurations for network settings, access controls, and encryption protocols.
  • Conducting regular assessments to identify and address weaknesses in the cloud infrastructure.
  • Implementing measures like multi-factor authentication and role-based access controls to restrict unauthorized access.
  • Having a well-defined plan for responding to security incidents, including investigation, containment, and remediation.
  • Continuous monitoring and auditing to ensure adherence to regulations and internal policies.
  • Providing regular training to employees on security best practices and raising awareness about potential threats.

This proactive approach not only protects sensitive data but also instills confidence among customers, partners, and stakeholders, enhancing the overall reputation and trustworthiness of the organization.

III. Achieving Maximum Security in Azure Cloud

Azure provides organizations with a comprehensive suite of security services to enhance their security posture.

  • Azure Security Center offers visibility into Azure cloud resources, threat detection and response, and implementation of security best practices.
  • Azure Active Directory (AD) ensures secure identity and access management in Azure Cloud, allowing only authorized users to access resources.
  • Azure Sentinel utilizes intelligent security analytics and threat intelligence to proactively detect and respond to security incidents.
  • Azure Key Vault provides secure storage and management of cryptographic keys and secrets.
  • Azure Policy plays a crucial role in enforcing compliance and security policies across Azure subscriptions, ensuring adherence to security standards and best practices.

The wide range of security features offered by Azure Cloud includes:

  • Azure Active Directory (Azure AD): It enables centralized identity management, single sign-on, and multi-factor authentication, ensuring secure access to cloud resources.
  • Azure Virtual Network (VNet): Organizations can isolate and secure their cloud resources using virtual private networks, network security groups, and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) protection.
  • Azure Disk Encryption: It encrypts virtual machine disks, providing an additional layer of security for data at rest.
  • Azure Storage Service Encryption: It secures data stored in Azure storage accounts, safeguarding sensitive information.
  • Azure Security Center: This service analyzes security data and alerts organizations about potential vulnerabilities and attacks, allowing for timely remediation.

Azure also offers various compliance certifications and built-in controls such as Azure Policy, Azure Blueprint, and Azure Sentinel, which facilitate governance and compliance management. Combining these services and features helps organizations establish a robust security framework within their Azure cloud environment, mitigating risks and enhancing overall data protection.

IV. Best Practices for Cloud Security Posture Management

Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) is a crucial aspect of maintaining a secure Azure cloud environment. By implementing best practices from CSPM, organizations can

effectively monitor, manage, and improve their cloud security posture. Some key considerations for maintaining a strong security posture in the cloud are:

  • Conducting comprehensive risk assessments to identify vulnerabilities and risks specific to the cloud environment.
  • Implementing strong IAM with authentication mechanisms, MFA, and RBAC for secure access.
  • Establishing proactive monitoring and threat detection using Azure Security Center and other tools.
  • Utilizing encryption mechanisms to protect data at rest and in transit.
  • Staying updated with Azure’s security patches and implementing effective patch management processes.

A robust Security Posture Management plan using Azure can be formed by following these steps:

  • Define security objectives and align them with compliance requirements.
  • Assess risks specific to your Azure environment.
  • Enable and configure Azure Security Center for continuous monitoring and threat detection.
  • Implement strong identity and access management (IAM) using Azure AD.
  • Utilize Azure Network Security Groups (NSGs) to restrict network traffic.
  • Employ Azure Key Vault for secure encryption of sensitive data.
  • Monitor security events using Azure Monitor and Security Center.
  • Regularly review and update security policies based on best practices.
  • Consider partnering with Azure security experts for additional guidance.
  • Stay informed about Azure’s security updates and features to enhance your security posture.

During the process of developing a robust Security Posture Management (SPM) plan using Azure, you may encounter some potential roadblocks. Some common challenges and steps to overcome them are as follows:

  • Lack of awareness or expertise: Invest in training or engage Azure security experts for guidance.
  • Resistance to change: Communicate benefits and provide training and support during the transition.
  • Limited resources: Prioritize based on risk, automate processes, and optimize resource utilization.
  • The complexity of cloud environment: Use Azure tools for visibility and recommendations.
  • Compliance requirements: Assess regulations, address necessary controls, and leverage Azure compliance resources.
  • Integration challenges: Plan integration, utilize Azure APIs, and support for assistance.
  • Evolving threats: Stay updated on security best practices, monitor Azure advisories, and conduct regular security reviews.
  • Lack of visibility and monitoring: Implement comprehensive monitoring solutions like Azure Monitor.
  • Lack of communication and collaboration: Foster a culture of collaboration and establish clear channels.
  • Resistance to ongoing maintenance: Emphasize the importance of regular maintenance and allocate resources for updates and testing.

By following this plan, organizations can enhance their security posture in the cloud using Azure’s robust security services, establish effective policies and procedures, and promote a security-conscious workforce.

V. Maintaining A Strong Security Posture with Azure

Continuous monitoring and maintenance of security posture are essential for ongoing security in the Azure cloud environment. By continuously monitoring your cloud environment, you can adapt to new vulnerabilities and emerging attacks. This proactive approach allows for the timely detection of security incidents, enabling prompt response and mitigation to minimize the impact of breaches. Continuous monitoring also ensures consistent implementation and monitoring of security controls, helping you meet compliance standards effectively. By identifying risks and vulnerabilities beforehand, you can engage in proactive risk management and implement effective mitigation strategies.

Azure offers a range of services that can help organizations manage their Azure cloud security posture effectively. Some notable services include:

  • Azure Security Center provides continuous security monitoring, threat detection, and recommendations for improving security.
  • Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) enables robust identity and access management.
  • Azure Monitor allows monitoring and alerting for security events and performance metrics.
  • Azure Policy enforces compliance by defining and assessing resource configurations.
  • Azure Key Vault safeguards encryption keys and secrets.
  • Azure Firewall protects network traffic and provides network security.
  • Azure Sentinel offers advanced security analytics and SIEM capabilities.
  • Azure Information Protection secures sensitive data with encryption and access controls.
  • Azure Security and Compliance Blueprints provide pre-configured templates for meeting compliance standards.
  • Azure Backup and Azure Site Recovery assist with data protection and disaster recovery.

Maintaining a strong security posture over time requires implementing effective strategies to protect your systems and data. Here are some key strategies to consider:

  • Periodic vulnerability scanning, penetration testing, and code reviews.
  • Continuous education and training on security best practices.
  • Develop and regularly update a comprehensive incident response plan.
  • Leverage automation tools to streamline security processes.
  • Stay informed about the latest security trends and standards.

By embracing continuous monitoring, leveraging Azure security services, and adopting robust strategies, organizations can maintain a strong security posture in their cloud environments. This proactive approach to security ensures ongoing protection against evolving threats and helps mitigate risks effectively.


Cloud Security Posture Management is important to protect a company’s valuable data and maintain a strong defense against ever-evolving cyber threats. Azure offers a comprehensive suite of security services that can greatly enhance your CSPM strategy. By leveraging Azure’s advanced capabilities, such as Azure Security Center, Azure AD, Azure Sentinel, and Azure Key Vault, a company can effectively manage and strengthen its security posture. These services provide continuous monitoring, threat detection, access controls, encryption, and compliance enforcement, among other critical security features.

To truly unlock the full potential of Azure’s security features, navigate the complexities of CSPM using Cloudlytics. Cloudlytics offers comprehensive cloud security solutions, using Azure’s capabilities to strengthen your security posture, protect your data, and ensure compliance. Take advantage of Azure’s robust security capabilities through Cloudlytics and maximize your CSPM strategy. Safeguard your data, defend against cyber threats, and stay one step ahead in today’s dynamic security landscape. Start your journey towards a resilient and secure cloud environment by embracing the power of Azure through Cloudlytics today.

Understanding The Role of New Framework by SEBI For Regulated Entities on Azure Cloud

According to Gartner Inc.’s ‘cloud shift’ research, by 2025, most IT spending in four major categories: application software, infrastructure software, business process services, and system infrastructure will shift from traditional to cloud services. The shift is anticipated to increase from 41% to 51%.

Due to this increasing transition to cloud services, The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has implemented a framework to ensure that regulated entities follow guidelines for adopting cloud services such as Azure.

SEBI, or the Securities and Exchange Board of India, is a regulatory body responsible for supervising the securities market in India. As technology advances, SEBI has recognized the importance of cloud-based storage for regulated entities such as brokerages, mutual funds, and investment advisers.

Importance of Following SEBI Guidelines for Regulated Entities on Azure Cloud

By following SEBI’s guidelines on Azure Cloud, regulated entities can ensure that they meet the necessary data storage, protection, and access control measures required by the regulator. Failure to comply with these regulations could lead to severe penalties or even suspension of trading privileges.

Adherence to SEBI’s framework helps maintain a level playing field across all market participants and promotes transparency within the financial sector. Regulated entities must take the necessary steps toward compliance when adopting new technologies like Azure Cloud to avoid any potential legal consequences in future dealings.

Overview of SEBI Regulations

Regulated entities face various security threats regarding cloud-based storage, such as leakage or theft of sensitive information. To mitigate these risks, SEBI outlines regulations for cloud service providers on how they should handle their clients’ data.

SEBI’s regulations require regulated entities to conduct regular audits and risk assessments to identify potential vulnerabilities in their systems. They must adhere to strict protocols for access control measures like authentication, authorization, and encryption.

SEBI’s Framework for Cloud Computing

SEBI’s framework for cloud computing incorporates nine key principles, which include:

  • Governance, risk, and compliance sub-framework (GRC)
  • Selection of cloud service providers (CSPs)
  • Data ownership and data localization
  • The Responsibility of the regulated entity
  • Due diligence by RE
  • Security controls
  • Contractual and regulatory obligations
  • BCP, Disaster Recovery & Cyber Resilience
  • Vendor Lock-in and Concentration Risk Management

Types of Security Threats and Challenges Faced by Regulated Entities

While migrating their data and applications to the cloud, regulated entities face various challenges and security threats that need to be addressed, such as:

  • Ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive data in a shared environment. The risk of unauthorized access or data breaches can result in financial losses, reputational damage, and non-compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Potential risks, including insider attacks or malicious insiders who exploit system vulnerabilities for their gain.
  • Governance issues, including monitoring third-party vendor performance against contractual obligations regarding compliance requirements.

Guidelines for Cloud Service Providers

SEBI guidelines emphasize the importance of outsourcing agreements between regulated entities and cloud service providers. It requires CSPs to disclose their company profile, security policies, and procedures before entering into an outsourcing agreement with SEBI-regulated entities.

Furthermore, SEBI mandates that any data hosted on cloud servers located outside India should be encrypted both during transmission and at rest. It also highlighted that users’ access to data must be authorized based on a need-to-know basis.

Azure Cloud Services

Cloud computing has become integral to businesses, providing flexibility, scalability, and cost-effective solutions. Azure is a popular cloud platform that offers a wide range of services to suit the diverse needs of organizations.

Overview of Azure for Regulated Entities

Azure is a Microsoft flagship cloud service designed to help businesses store, manage, and process their data. The platform is designed with compliance in mind and has numerous certifications, including ISO 27001, HIPAA, FedRAMP, and more. These standards help companies follow the latest regulations and industry best practices.

Benefits of Azure for Regulated Entities

Regulated entities can benefit from using Azure in the following ways:

  • Azure provides advanced security features and strict access controls to prevent data breaches, ensuring regulatory compliance.
  • With its ability to scale up or down as required, Azure allows businesses to quickly adjust their computing resources without any downtime or significant cost.
  • Azure’s pay-per-use model enables regulated entities to save costs by paying only for the resources they use.
  • As a global cloud provider with more than 60 regions around the world, Azure can help regulated entities meet regional compliance requirements and expand into new markets seamlessly.

Risks and Challenges in Azure Cloud for Regulated Entities

One critical area of risk in Azure Cloud is security since regulatory compliance requires robust security measures to protect sensitive data. In addition, there is always uncertainty regarding third-party management of cloud infrastructure, which necessitates continuous monitoring and auditing processes.

SEBI’s New Framework of Cloud Adoption for Regulated Entities

Concerning the adoption of cloud computing services, SEBI issued guidelines for Regulated Entities (REs). RE needs to work in adherence to the guidelines prescribed below:

  1.  It majorly includes security standards and regulatory compliance baselines. The end goal is to identify critical cloud computing risks and ensure the implementation of appropriate control measures.
  2. The framework emphasizes the importance of prioritizing risk assessment and implementing controls to monitor and ensure regulatory compliance.
  3. Concerning cloud-based computational solutions, SEBI guidelines also lay out the legal and regulatory requirements that RE must comply with.
  4. The circular also outlines the guidelines for developing a robust risk management strategy for cloud adoption.

Data Storage, Data Protection Requirements, and Access Control Measures

SEBI’s new framework has laid out specific requirements that regulated entities must follow to ensure the safe storage and protection of their sensitive data.

One of the key requirements is that the cloud service provider must store all data within India. This ensures that any personal or confidential information remains within Indian borders, making it subject to Indian laws regarding data privacy and protection.

Additionally, SEBI mandates strict access control measures when it comes to cloud services. Regulated entities must implement multi-factor authentication protocols to prevent unauthorized access from hackers or cybercriminals.

Requirements for Data Backups and Disaster Recovery

Regulated entities must have a robust backup plan that includes regular backups at frequent intervals. This plan should also consider different scenarios where data may need to be recovered, such as hardware failure or malware attacks. The frequency of backups will depend on the nature of business operations and how often changes occur.

In addition to having a reliable backup system in place, regulated entities must have an effective disaster recovery strategy. This involves identifying potential risks that could cause disruptions and developing plans to manage these risks proactively. The goal, here, is to recover lost data and ensure business continuity during unexpected incidents.

It’s important for regulated entities using cloud services to test their backup and disaster recovery procedures regularly. Regular testing helps uncover gaps in the system before they become major problems when real disasters strike.

Best Practices for Managing Azure Privileges

When it comes to managing Azure privileges for SEBI-registered entities, following best practices is crucial.

For a multi-tenant structure, the entity must have visibility across all subscriptions and production networks to assess risks and ensure compliance with internal policies and regulatory requirements. A global Administration in Azure AD can grant themselves the User Access Administrator role for a complete view of subscriptions and management groups associated with the environment.

Data encryption is also crucial, and Azure offers a range of data storage solutions such as file disk, blob, table storage, Azure SQL Database, Azure Cosmos DB, and Azure Data Lake for the encryption process. Data can be included in files, optical media, archived data, and data backups. Adhering to these best practices can help ensure Azure cloud privileges are managed securely and efficiently.

Leveraging Cloudlytics CSPM for Adherence to SEBI’s New Framework

Cloudlytics CSPM is the perfect solution for SEBI-registered entities who are looking to comply with SEBI’s strict regulatory guidelines. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools that can help organizations monitor and analyze potential security risks in real-time and provide continuous assessment and validation of regulatory compliance.

Real-time Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting on Security Risks

With Cloudlytics CSPM’s advanced features, such as cloud asset inventory management, configuration and compliance checks, risk analysis, alerting & reporting mechanism, etc., at their disposal, organizations can easily identify vulnerabilities or misconfigurations in their systems that could lead to data breaches or other security incidents. Additionally, it helps instill confidence in customers’ minds knowing they trust an organization that follows globally accepted standards like SEBI.

Providing Continuous Security Assessment and Regulatory Compliance

Cloudlytics CSPM automatically monitors your infrastructure round-the-clock, so you never have to worry about whether you’re meeting compliance requirements or not. It takes care of everything for you! From maintaining secure configurations on servers or databases or applying certain level multi-factor authentication, Cloudlytics has got you covered.

Benefits of Cloudlytics CSPM for SEBI-registered Entities on Azure Cloud

Cloudlytics CSPM offers several benefits for SEBI-registered Entities on Azure Cloud:

Improved Security Posture

It improves an organization’s security posture by providing continuous monitoring and assessment of cloud infrastructure, identifying potential misconfigurations and vulnerabilities that can lead to data breaches or other security incidents. This helps organizations stay ahead of threats and ensure their sensitive data is protected.

Faster Compliance and Risk Assessment

Cloudlytics CSPM enables faster compliance and risk assessment by automating the gathering of evidence required for audits. Organizations can easily generate compliance reports and monitor their compliance status in real-time, ensuring they consistently meet regulatory requirements.

Improved Visibility and Control

Cloudlytics CSPM provides improved visibility and control over cloud resources, allowing organizations to manage them effectively while detecting any unauthorized activity promptly. The solution offers a single pane view into an entire Azure environment enabling quick identification of deviations from best practices and reducing mean time to respond (MTTR) in case any issue arises during system operation.

Encourage Cloud Adoption and Innovation

With its comprehensive features set coupled with automated deployment capabilities across multiple subscriptions & environments, Cloudlytics CSPM encourages cloud adoption without compromising security posture, helping businesses innovate with ease at scale securely.


SEBI regulations play a critical role in ensuring the security of regulated entities operating on the Azure cloud. Compliance with these guidelines can be challenging for many organizations due to the complex nature of cloud computing and evolving cyber threats.

However, as more and more enterprises shift their operations to the cloud, it is essential to follow SEBI’s framework for cloud adoption to maintain regulatory compliance and protect sensitive data from potential breaches.

To address these challenges, leveraging an intelligent CSPM tool like Cloudlytics can simplify compliance efforts by providing real-time monitoring and analysis of security risks on Azure Cloud. This allows organizations to focus on innovation while maintaining a robust security posture.

Following SEBI guidelines help ensure regulatory compliance and enhances data protection measures against cyber threats. With tools like Cloudlytics CSPM at your disposal, achieving compliance becomes faster and easier than ever before.

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